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Serotonin 2A Therapy

A better way

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5-HT2A receptor therapy resource combined with opinions and conjecture.*

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*Nothing on this page is or should be considered medical advise. Consult a medical professional for your individual care. The opinions expressed on this site are my own unless otherwise specified and do not represent any other group or organization.

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It's a bit of a personal project for me. Back in the day, I was knee-deep in a Neurochemistry master's program at UTD, but life threw a curveball, and I couldn't finish it.

Now, here's where it gets interesting. I've got this love, this genuine passion for exploring the possibilities of psychedelics. Every day, I'm chipping away at this project of mine – a well-balanced, science-based dive into the real uses of psychedelics. I know, it sounds wild, but hear me out.

I've seen psychedelics abused, and I've witnessed them work miracles. What I'm after is to create something that's not just another list, but a guide – a real resource showcasing the potential of psychedelics in a balanced, science-backed way. It's not just about the highs; it's about finding tangible benefits.

I've got skin in the game – people close to me, even in my own family, who could use a different approach to tackle their illnesses. I believe there's more to psychedelics than meets the eye, and I want to shed light on it. It's a bit of a journey, and I'm adding a little bit every day. Yeah, it might take some time, so I'm asking for a bit of patience.

I'm excited about the possibility of bringing my unique perspective and passion, most of all I hope it is helpful.

-Chad (=

CNBC Reported Apr. 11th 2018 3:15 PM

Goldman Sachs asks in biotech research report:

"Is curing patients a sustainable business model?"

This is the down side of a semi capitalist system.

Free Market Only Works When We Are Informed And Demand Better.

Money makes things happen. Like it, hate it, money does not care.

The perfect model for money to make more money is a treatment that requires you to keep taking it, that helps you, but does not cure you.

Until we demand cures, and reject treatments that make us dependent, money will keep investing in its best interest, not the patients.

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Podcasts to Consider

My criteria for including the following podcasts is specifically science based medical thinking, focused on curing not just treating specific conditions primarily brain related.

Other activism, or particularly people who are recreationally taking psilocybin, Ibogaine, MDMA or LSD though interesting, are not something I will focus time or attention on for this sight.

I hope you enjoy and find the content useful.

What is psilocybin, how it works on a cellular, organ, system, and holistic level. If you are a closet science nerd, like me, this is really where you need to start. Dr. Huberman does an excellent job making the complex understandable. He is also honest about what we know, what we don’t and what we speculate could be the case. If you are new to this, starting here will get you up to speed quickly.

This episode is also great for people just learning what are psychedelics, how do they work on the human body, what can they reasonably treat and a discussion of therapeutic dosing. This episode also discusses the role of music in conjunction with the therapeutic aspect. They also discuss why this therapy is so difficult for the medical industry to get its arms around. It is not just the psychedelics, or the therapy, but the combination of both that make an effective therapy.

Johns Hopkins has been on the leading edge of psilocybin therapy and have been leading the charge since the early 2000's. Dr. Johnson explains how the research went wrong, how it has gotten back on track, and what kind of clinical studies are being done to show how effective psilocybin can be. He works through a variety of different conditions and disorders, as well as what the risks and benefits of the clinical work.

Rick Doblin is the founder of MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies) in 1986 and created an organization that focuses on education, research and advocacy. He has been seen on the leading edge of advocacy and public policy since the 80's. He believes psychedelics can be used to treat conditions and diseases of the mind, but also to enhance the personal growth and effectiveness of otherwise healthy people. I would not recommend listening to this episode until you have listened to the episodes from Dr. Huberman and strong foundation in science and data, even though I believe Dr. Doblin to be an expert in the field.

Exploring Neuro Treatment with Dr. Nolan Williams, MD

Nolan Williams, a director at the Stanford Brain Stimulation Lab and a graduate of the Stanford University School of Medicine, is the featured guest in this podcast. The podcast delves into various aspects of neuro treatment, including devices, therapies, prescriptions, and more, as explained by this multi-award-winning physician. It's a comprehensive overview of the constantly-evolving tool kit utilized to treat a variety of mental and neurological conditions.

Trevor Millar -

Trevor was Shawn Ryan’s guide to using ibogaine therapy to deal with PTSD and depression. His approach and understanding of the modern pharma market and marketing, along with a desire to heal not just treatment is why I included this interview on my list.

From :

Trevor Millar is a social-entrepreneur with over a decade of experience providing ibogaine therapy. He is responsible for various aspects of Ambio’s operations and communications. He previously served as a board member and co-founder of the Canadian Psychedelic Association and from 2018 to 2021 was on the board of directors for the Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) Canada, where he acted as Chair of the Board for over two years. Trevor was featured in the award-winning documentary about using magic mushrooms and Iboga to treat addiction, anxiety and depression called DOSED, which was released in 2019.

Products of Interest

My criteria for products or companies are actually to look at people who are trying to render care or benefit and could be worth investing in or purchasing from in my humble opinion.

At this time I receive no financial benefit from any of these companies or organizations.


I met the CEO of this company, Kaitlin Roberson, and was really impressed with what they are doing and how they are combining psychology, pharmacology and neuroscience in their efforts to create a better product for mental health. When you think about it, it should work this way, but often product development doesn’t.

News Letters to Read

These are some of the news letters I read and some even subscribe to. I have found some of their information useful and at this point their content authentic.

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Great place to find good info on things therapeutic and psychedelic.

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Lillian Pratt

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I found several podcasts and articles that help me speak intelligently about psychedelics. Also by talking about Serotonin 2A Therapy it seems like people are more willing to listen.

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Nicholas Newark

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There is nothing light or simple about this topic. Almost everyone has preconceived notions either believing psychedelics is a panacea to heal every brain disorder or a dangerous substance that leads to psychosis.

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Kyrie Rivera

STill a work in progress.

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Reach out to me on LinkedIn Messenger and lets have a conversation! - Chad

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